Seasonal Solutions for Success
At KAS, we deliver efficient products that produce results wherever the world grows. From proven nitrogen protection to a line of micronutrient solutions, KAS arms you with the right tools to yield results you can count on.

ANVOL™ nitrogen stabilizer with Koch-patented active ingredient, Duromide, will protect against volatilization and provide superior flexibility.

AGROTAIN™ nitrogen stabilizer is the most research-proven urease inhibitor on the market. With over 20 years of in-field results, it's the one growers trust.

NITAMIN™ fertilizer is a flexible, crop-safe liquid nutrient source designed for foliar applications in row crops, vegetables and fruits.

WOLF TRAX DDP micronutrients are field-proven to boost crop performance.

ARMOUR™ nitrogen stabilizer offers highly effective below-ground protection against leaching and denitrification.
TRIBUNE™ nitrogen stabilizer contains both a urease and nitrification inhibitor to guard against volatilization, denitrification and leaching.

Contact Us
We take pride in our ability to provide access to our global resources and industry knowledge. No matter where you are on the map, we offer our customers an unparalleled level of service.
Latin America / Africa
Fernando Mata
Emmanuel Hequet
Australia / New Zealand / Asia
Gordon Welch