Maximizing Pistachio Profitability: Solutions for Higher Marketable Yields
Achieving optimal nut size, increasing split nut percentages and ensuring high marketable yields requires innovative solutions.
One of the most critical components of pistachio production is nitrogen use efficiency.
“Nitrogen is essential for healthy plant growth, leaf development and maximum nut size and quality,” said TJ Bingham, technical agronomist for Koch Agronomic Services (KAS). “However, without proper nutrient management, nitrogen inefficiency can lead to smaller, less developed nuts, reduced split nut percentages and diminished marketable yields.”
Challenges faced by pistachio growers
Pistachio profitability hinges on producing nuts that meet specific market criteria. Closed or blank nuts, which fail to split naturally on the tree, have reduced market value and negatively impact overall yield potential. Despite the significant effort and cost involved in pistachio production, growers often find that a percentage of their harvest remains unmarketable due to these issues.
Another challenge is nut size. Larger pistachios earn higher prices in the marketplace; however, achieving this requires effective nutrient management, particularly during the critical development stages. Without efficient nitrogen metabolism, pistachio trees can struggle to produce the desired nut size and quality, resulting in lower returns for growers.
Economic pressures further compound these challenges. Balancing input costs while striving for high yields and premium quality nuts demands solutions that enhance efficiency and profitability.
The importance of increasing nitrogen metabolism in pistachios
Pistachio trees require significant amounts of nitrogen during critical growth stages, as nitrogen metabolism plays a central role in production, directly influencing nut size, quality and split nut percentages. Additionally, inefficient nitrogen use means growers aren’t getting the full value from their nitrogen investment.
“If you’re not properly using all the nitrogen you’re applying, you’re not maximizing your yield potential,” said Bingham.
How OPTRIENT™ MoCo transforms pistachio production
While nitrogen is indispensable for pistachio production, its efficiency is limited without the right support. Molybdenum and cobalt are two micronutrients that can work together to optimize nitrogen use.
Molybdenum plays a key role in converting nitrate nitrogen into ammonium nitrogen. This process enhances the tree’s ability to synthesize amino acids and proteins, which are vital for nut growth and development. Meanwhile, cobalt supports overall plant metabolism, photosynthesis and growth, further enhancing nutrient efficiency.
“There was a need within the industry for a liquid formulation that could deliver molybdenum and cobalt together at optimal rates and be easy for producers to use on their operation,” said Bingham. “Because these products are not traditionally applied during their own dedicated trip to the orchard, we wanted to develop a formulation that could play well with fungicides, insecticides or other fertilizer applications.”
OPTRIENT™ MoCo was designed to fill that gap in the industry. This innovative liquid foliar product delivers a precise combination of molybdenum and cobalt, boosting the tree’s ability to use nitrogen efficiently and improve pistachio production.
The benefits of OPTRIENT MoCo extend beyond nutrient metabolism. By improving nitrogen efficiency, it:
Increases nut size, ensuring a higher proportion of larger, marketable pistachios.
Enhances split nut percentages, reducing the number of unsplit or blank nuts.
“OPTRIENT MoCo is effective and convenient, saving growers time and effort while ensuring they get the most out of their nitrogen investment,” Bingham emphasized.
Proven pistachio results withOPTRIENT MoCo
Data from 2024 trials conducted in key pistachio-growing regions highlights the value of OPTRIENT MoCo. For instance:
Split nut percentages increased by as much as 11% over control.
Blank nut percentages decreased by up to 4.5% over control.
Nut size improved by up to 12% over control.
In one Fresno, California trial, OPTRIENT MoCo significantly boosted marketable yield by increasing split nut percentages and enhancing overall nut size. The following results highlight its effectiveness in addressing key production challenges and delivering potential profitability gains.
Pistachio Yield Increased1
Pistachio yield potential increased by as much as 305 pounds over the control when using OPTRIENT MoCo.
Pistachio Split Nut (%) Increased1
According to this study, when applied at bud swell through kernel fill, OPTRIENT MoCo can increase pistachio split nut percent by as much as 11% over the control.
Pistachio Blank Nut (%) Decreased2
In this study in Woodland, California, OPTRIENT MoCo decreased the percent of pistachio blank nuts by as much as 4.5% compared to the control.
Increased Pistachio Nut Size1
This study shows that OPTRIENT MoCo can increase the size of pistachio nuts by as much as 12% compared to the control, increasing the crop’s marketable yield.
Maximizing pistachio profitability
For pistachio growers, every decision impacts yield potential and profitability. By addressing the specific nutritional needs of pistachio trees, OPTRIENT MoCo helps growers achieve higher marketable yields, increase split nut percentages and maximize their nitrogen investment.
The underlying data was provided by 1Mari Agricultural Research and 2SYSMA under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases.
The global demand for high-quality pistachios continues to rise, creating a significant opportunity for growers to expand their market share and profit potential.