Unlocking Phosphorus: A New Solution for Better Availability and Higher Yields
Soils often contain significant phosphorus reserves, yet much of this nutrient is locked in organic forms or bound by soil chemistry, making it inaccessible to a growing crop. As a result, growers must carefully manage phosphorus applications to optimize nutrient uptake while minimizing environmental losses and fertilizer inefficiencies.
“The biggest challenge growers face isn’t necessarily a lack of phosphorus in the soil — it’s making sure that phosphorus is available when crops need it,” said Tim Laatsch, director of agronomy, North America, for Koch Agronomic Services (KAS). “A lot of applied phosphorus quickly becomes tied up due to soil conditions, leaving plants unable to access the nutrients they require. It’s a widespread problem across different soil types and regions.”
Understanding phosphorus in the soil: inorganic vs. organic forms
Phosphorus in the soil exists in two main forms:
Inorganic phosphorus: This includes plant-available forms such as orthophosphate.
Organic phosphorus: Found in crop residues, manure and soil organic matter, this form of phosphorus must be broken down by soil enzymes and microbes before plants can use it.
While traditional phosphorus fertilizers supply inorganic phosphorus, they are often inefficient because a large portion becomes chemically bound in the soil, reducing availability. Additionally, the conversion of organic phosphorus into a plant-usable form is slow, leaving crops vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies — especially during early growth stages.
“Growers are used to thinking about phosphorus in terms of fertilizer, but there are actually two different pools — organic and inorganic,” said TJ Bingham, technical agronomist for Koch Agronomic Services (KAS). “The inorganic side is what most people focus on, but the organic phosphorus pool has been largely untapped. The key is understanding that each source requires different tools to make phosphorus available to crops.”
Why traditional phosphorus management falls short
Managing phosphorus is a constant challenge due to:
Phosphorus tie-up: No matter how much is applied, a significant portion becomes chemically bound and unavailable.
Soil conditions limiting availability: Factors like pH, microbial activity and temperature influence phosphorus release, making traditional fertilizers less reliable in certain conditions.
Over-application: To compensate for phosphorus inefficiency, growers sometimes apply excess fertilizer, which increases costs and environmental risks.
Rather than applying more phosphorus and hoping for the best, growers needed an innovative solution that improves phosphorus availability without requiring drastic changes to their nutrient management plans.
To address these challenges, PHOSFORCE™ nutrient enhancer was developed as a novel enzyme-based solution. Unlike other phosphorus efficiency products, PHOSFORCE targets the organic phosphorus pool, accelerating its conversion into plant-available forms.
What sets PHOSFORCE apart?
Unique mode of action: Contains phosphodiesterase, an enzyme that breaks down organic phosphate molecules and unlocks bound phosphorus reserves in the soil.
Immediate activation: Because it’s an enzyme and not a microbial, it begins working immediately upon application without having to grow, survive or propagate first.
Consistent and predictable performance: Unlike living microbe-based solutions, PHOSFORCE provides reliable phosphorus release under a broad range of soil types and conditions.
Compatible functionality and flexible application methods: Its liquid solution can ride to the field with any input— herbicides, starter fertilizers, UAN and more— making it easy to integrate into existing practices.
Enhances soil health: Research shows PHOSFORCE stimulates mineralization in the soil and improves overall nutrient cycling and soil fertility.
“PHOSFORCE is an enzyme — a non-living product that is going to work immediately in the soil and free up phosphorus for plant uptake,” said Bingham. “One application of PHOSFORCE works immediately to provide up to 8 weeks of consistent phosphorus mineralization in the soil.”
Proven results with PHOSFORCE nutrient enhancer
PHOSFORCE has been proven effective by many years of trial data, demonstrating its ability to improve soil health and crop productivity, including:
Corn: +5.2 bushels per acre (154 trials across the U.S.)
Soybeans: +3 bushels per acre (10 states)
Potatoes: +31.4 hundredweight per acre (6 states)
Cotton: +57 pounds per acre (7 states)
With proven performance in 15 crops across diverse growing conditions, PHOSFORCE is a trusted tool for improving soil health, maximizing phosphorus efficiency and crop productivity.
PHOSFORCE improves soil health
PHOSFORCE activity supported improved phosphorus mineralization and increased soil enzyme activity, measured by elevated microbial counts. 1
PHOSFORCE increased yield in corn
In 154 yield trials across the country, PHOSFORCE increased corn yields by an average 5.2 bushels per acre. 2
PHOSFORCE increased yield in soybeans
Across field trials in 10 states, PHOSFORCE increased soybean yields by an average 3 bushels per acre. 2
PHOSFORCE increased yield in potatoes
Across field trials in 6 states, PHOSFORCE increased potato yields by an average 31.4 hundredweight per acre. 1
PHOSFORCE increased yield in cotton
Across field trials in 7 states, PHOSFORCE increased cotton yields by an average 57 pounds per acre. 1
An innovative approach to phosphorus management
By unlocking phosphorus already present in the soil, PHOSFORCE enables growers to improve root development, boost yield potential and enhance soil health. With its proven results and ease of integration, PHOSFORCE represents a smarter, more efficient approach to phosphorus management.
The underlying data was provided by University of Missouri 1 and Sysma Agriculture Research 2 under a Research Trial Financial Support Agreement with Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Neither these institutions, nor the individual researchers referenced, endorse or recommend any product or service. Improvements in yield and nutrient use efficiency may not be observed in all cases. PHOSFORCE and the PHOSFORCE logo are trademarks of Koch Agronomic Services, LLC. Koch and the Koch logo are trademarks of Koch Industries, Inc.
From supporting early root development to fueling energy transfer and genetic processes, phosphorus is fundamental to plant health. Despite its importance as a macronutrient, phosphorus availability remains a major challenge for growers.