
August 30, 2024

Short Term Deficiency, Long Term Impact

Transient Deficiency: A short-term deficiency with potential long-term impacts. A simple way to explain what could quickly become an issue a crop may face each season.

Transient | tran(t)-sh(ē-)ən, adjective

  • Passing especially quickly into and out of existence

Deficiency | di-ˈfi-shən-sē, noun

  • The quality or state of being defective or of lacking some necessary quality or element; an amount that is lacking or inadequate


Often overlooked due to its quick nature and a crop’s general ability to overcome a transient deficiency, some may not be familiar with the lasting impacts this type of deficiency may have on a crop, especially concerning yield. 


Think of it this way – it’s a short-term hunger the plant can satisfy itself, by using extra energy to access nutrients when soil and weather conditions improve nutrient availability. Transient deficiencies generally occur during a critical time for a crop – early in the season, during reproductive growth when high amounts of nutrients are needed. 

While a crop can overcome this hunger, it is not without lasting consequences. Since this phenomenon takes place during a time of serious growth, the crop performance is impacted which can lead to a potential loss in yield. When unable to get critical nutrients for important functions within the plant, crop performance can be compromised and transition from a transient deficiency to a visual, more severe nutrient deficiency.  


The risk of transient deficiencies can be narrowed by utilizing the 4Rs of nutrient stewardship. The 4Rs mean applying nutrients at the right time, place, rate and source. When we apply the nutrients at the right time and at the right rate, whether it’s macro or micronutrients, you’re placing those vital nutrients when and where the crop can best utilize them. 

In addition to employing the 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Framework, KAS offers solutions designed to help protect or ensure your inputs are available when a crop needs them the most. Solutions such as: 

  • ANVOL and CENTURO nitrogen stabilizers. Nitrogen stabilizers such as ANVOL and CENTURO can also aid in preventing transient deficiencies by helping keeping nitrogen available for uptake when it is needed most. In essence, by protecting nitrogen applications, they’re available during critical growth stages.  
  • WOLF TRAX DDP micronutrients. WOLF TRAX application rates are in accordance with plant uptake, to deliver the right micronutrients to plants need when they're needed. In addition, multiple forms of each micronutrient go into each formulation, providing immediate nutrient uptake and continuous feeding during critical growth stages.
  • PROTIVATE️ seed-applied nutritionals. PROTIVATE products deliver a source of highly concentrated nutrients which are applied directly to the seed. By applying on the seed, this allows for the plant to access critical nutrients needed for early-season growth, a time when roots may not be able to access nutrients easily.  

Learn More

To learn more about transient deficiencies and solutions to prevent this issue, contact a KAS representative today.